Working Group IV (WG IV): Data access and end user support
CGMS Working Group IV was first initiated in 1989 to focus on global issues on satellite systems and telecommunication coordination. In 2001, it evolved to adress global data dissemination and it further evolved and changed its focus in 2018 and now addresses data access and end user support.
The current CGMS agency participation in WG IV correspond to China (CMA), Europe (EUMETSAT) India (IMD), Japan (JMA), Federal Republic of Korea (KMA), Russia (ROSHYDROMET), USA (NOAA), and WMO. The working group is open to all CGMS members and invited experts.
WG IV Co-chairs: Kotaro Bessho, JMA / vacant
WG IV Rapporteurs: Simon Elliott, EUMETSAT / Natalia Donoho, WMO
Scope of Working Group IV
CGMS WG IV will provide a regular forum for CGMS agencies to address topics of interest in areas related to data access in general and the contribution to the WMO Information System. The working group will address issues related to the dissemination systems, data formats and metadata exchange, and will also deal with the user interfaces and data access. (WG I addresses direct readout systems).
Objectives of Working Group IV
WG IV has the following objectives:
- To support the user-provider dialogue on regional/global scales;
- To support the implementation and evolution of sustained and coordinated communication satellite broadcast systems (e.g. GEONETCAST related);
- To address global or inter-regional data circulation and access (e.g. WIS/GTS/RMDCN, academic networks, other terrestrial networks, etc.) in coordination with WMO dedicated expert teams;
- To promote the widening of data access, to new missions/providers as well as for other user communities;
- To promote data formats and standards, including the use of open standards (currently handled by the CGMS Task Teams on data formats);
- To support the coordination of metadata for satellites and instruments (currently handled by the CGMS Task Force on meta data);
- To address the user readiness for new satellite systems, with support from SATURN point of contacts;
- To address the notification of changes (and alerts) in satellite data and/or products impacting users, with the aim of defining best practices;
- To address topics related to cybersecurity towards end users;
- To address long term data preservation;
- To discuss relevant aspects on the implementation of the global contingency plan (as proposed by WGIII) from Plenary; and
- To address topics from the CGMS High Level Priority Plan within the scope of WG IV.