Monitoring the Oceans from Space (MOOC)

This autumn, EUMETSAT will run its first ever massive open online course (MOOC) on the theme of monitoring the oceans from

The course, which is funded by the EU’s Copernicus Programme (, is aimed at a general audience and will give an introduction to the benefits and potential uses of satellite-based ocean observations collected in the framework of the Copernicus Programme.

It will explain how to access and use marine Earth observation data and information from Copernicus/EUMETSAT missions and also the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (

This free online course runs for five weeks from 24 October 2016 and is now open for registration:

The MOOC is being developed by Imperative Space in partnership with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the National Oceanography Centre
(Southampton), Collecte Localisation Satellites, France and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Watch the course trailer –


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