Revised deadlines for CGMS-48 working group papers

The CGMS-48 working group meetings will be held _virtually_ the week of 25 May 2020.

The working group co-chairs and rapporteurs are currently finalising the schedule of the respective meetings (WGI, WGII, WGIII, WGIV, SWCG and joint meetings) to be announced in the coming days.

We have changed the deadlines for the provision of working paper titles and the papers/presentations as follows:

3 April 2020 – working paper titles

4 May 2020 – working papers/presentations

We will also provide you with the call-in details and guidance on intervening at the meeting in the coming weeks.

The CGMS-48 plenary session is currently anticipated for 25-26 August, and any deadlines associated with plenary will be announced in due course.

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